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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  October 11, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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come up with the beginning for a cure for alzheimer's, one of the most devastating diseases we have in this world. having said that, it's been a pleasure. bryan, nice having you here. >> thanks for watching. see you on monday. have a great weekend everybody. "special report" is next. negotiation breaks out in washington despite the president's promise not to negotiate until the shutdown is over and the debt ceiling is raised. but what happens next? this is "special report." good evening. i'm bret baier. two sides that seemed infinitely far apart days ago now appear to be heading toward each other as we head into the second weekend of a government shutdown and final weekend before the debt ceiling. we're at the white house with
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how the president is strike thatlithat straddling the defense of his no negotiations. but we begin with chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel on capitol hill where there is a sense of optimism. good evening. >> bret, good evening. president obama and speaker boehner had a late afternoon phone call and both sides said they agreed to keep working to find a deal. a more hopeful tone after several weeks of heated rhetoric over the government shutdown. that after house republicans offered to increase the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen the government in exchange for spending cuts and entitlement reform. but house republicans waiting for a white house response to their offer, a spokesman for speaker john boehner said "any house vote on a short-term debt limit bill is contingent on the white house and house republicans agreeing to negotiations on a larger fiscal framework." senate republicans have their own plan, which would fund the government at sequester levels for a year and give agencagenci more flexibility under the cuts. also include repealing the
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medical device tax and measures to prevent obama care fraud. today gop leaders sounded interested in a deal. >> let's put this hysterical talk of default behind us and instead start talking about finding solutions to the problems. there are a variety of ways to get debt and spending under control. a lot of innovative reforms we should consider. >> there are signs the american people are fed up with the standoff. the new "the wall street journal"/nbc news poll asked if there was a place on your ballot allowed you to vote and defeat and replace every single member of congress including your own representative would you do this or not? 60% of those surveyed said yes while only 35% said no. the senate majority leaders said failure is not an option. >> we allow the united states to default on its debt the first time in our glorious history will be a black mark on our reputation. and that is a gross understatement. we have financial disaster and spark a global recession.
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>> reporter: maine republican senator susan kol since said she presented her plan through january and fund the government for six months but said the president did not jump up and say that's a great idea. after the senate republican white house meeting, south carolina's lindsey graham said a deal between the house gop and white house could get done in the next 48 hours. >> i don't know what the house is going to do, but i'm of the opinion now that they will produce a product that will allow the government to be open for the entire year that will have some changes to the affordable care act. >> senator graham says he's never seen the president so open to the idea of meaningful entitlement reform. meanwhile, other republicans say mr. obama doesn't like their plans. it's time to unveil one of his own. bret. >> mike emanuel live on the hill, mike, thank you. president obama is apparently negotiating over whether to negotiate. chief white house correspondent ed henry reports from the white house very concerned tonight about optics. >> reporter: white house aides declare talks are in a far
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better place than just a few days ago and said president obama was pleased with the phone conversation he had with speaker john boehner. >> i had a good conversation and the two of them agreed that all sides need to keep talking. >> reporter: it sounds like the talking at the president's meeting with senate republicans though did not go quite as well. >> he himself sort of chuckled about the grand bargain that he had been pursuing and that speaker boehner and others have been pursuing over the last few years. and he likened it to a unicorn. in other words, a mythical creature that no one's ever actually seen. that's what the grand bargain is. at least under this administration. >> reporter: white house spokesman jay carney continues to play a game of semantics insisting the president is not technically negotiating but speaking his mind behind closed doors. >> senate should expect the president to express his views on how we ought to move forward. i don't think republican senators held back or republican house members have held back when expressing how they think
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we ought to move forward. >> reporter: a new nbc news/"the wall street journal" poll found that when it comes to the president's strategy of not negotiating until the government is reopened and debt ceiling raised, 30% strongly agree and 10% somewhat agree with the president. though 36% strongly disagree and 7% somewhat disagree. though the same poll shows there is far more pressure on republicans to get a deal. asked who is more to blame for the shutdown, 31% said the president, while 53% said republicans in congress. and 13% said they hold equal blame. meanwhile, voters gave the republican party its lowest numbers in the history of "the wall street journal" polling which dates to 1989 with more than twice as many people holding a negative view of the gop as a positive one. a top republican, senator john mccain, used those numbers to suggest the white house has the upper hand in these talks. by taking aim at republican ted cruz's decision to filibuster the continuing resolution to keep the government open, which mccain says opened the door to big problems like the military death benefits snafu.
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>> we shut down the government and then that gave the opportunity for this to be terribly awfully mismanaged and mishandled by the white house. if we hadn't shut down the government, this wouldn't have happened. and they shut down the government with a fool's errand that would not succeed. and that's a fact. >> reporter: now, there was also a sharp exchange behind closed doors between senator cruz and the president over his health care law. we're told the president was dismissive of those concerns behind closed doors though jay carney would not comment on what happened. bret. >> we may learn more in coming days. ed, thank you. another positive day on wall street. the dow gained 111. s&p 500 was up 11. the nasdaq finished ahead 31. for the week the dow was up a little over 1%. the s&p 500 gained .75%. the nasdaq was down about .5%. the timing was of course coincidental, but in the midst
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of the government shutdown and the debt debate, many of the country's most enthusiastic conservatives are right here in washington for a weekend political revival meeting of sorts. chief political correspondent carl cameron on some of the people who are firing up the crowd. >> reporter: social and religious conservatives at the values of voters summit invited three key leaders in the gop's push to defund the affordable care act, reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling in exchange for spending cuts. all potential rivals for the 2016 gop presidential nomination. >> none of us know what's going to happen on this obama care fight right now. in my view the house of representatives needs to keep doing what it's been doing, which is standing strong. >> reporter: senator ted cruz of texas, rand paul of kentucky and marco rubio of florida were among the first to back the strategy of trying to derail through the process. >> president obama's paid political operatives are out in
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force today. [ applause ] and you know why? and you know why? because the men and women in this room scare the living daylights out of him. and that is the motto for every other fight. >> reporter: polls show the public blames the shutdown more on republicans than democrats, but rand paul was the first to recognized left's refusal to negotiate would be against the democrats in the polls too. rhetoric focusing instead on mounting violence against christians worldwide, a potent issue he often raises with religious conservatives who can sway gop primaries. >> but the truth is a worldwide war on christians is being waged by a fanatical element of islam. >> reporter: marco rubio, who's long fought to fund obama care, never specifically mentioned health care, the government
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shutdown or the debt ceiling, limit -- >> my biggest fears we're losing focus on the biggest issues facing our country, that we're losing control of our nation and more importantly we're losing what we've come to know as the american dream. >> reporter: another headline 2012 vice presidential nominee paul ryan canceled his in-person appearance to speak by videotape. he remained on capitol hill working on a six-week extension to raise the debt limit in order to reopen government and long-term entitlement reform. that so-called grand bargain's been illusive for decades. so much so in fact the political inability to find any middle ground is in part why congress has been kicking the can down the road few months at a time the last several years, bret. >> big applause for mike lee and ted cruz there. >> but not so much for rand paul and marco rubio who didn't engage on the issues and focused
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on other issues. thank you. up next, doing the math on what obama care is doing for or to americans depending on your point of view. but first, here's what some of our fox affiliates across the country are covering tonight. fox 9 in minneapolis is covering the tragic death of the 2-year-old son of vikings superstar adrian peterson. the mother's boyfriend has been charged with aggravated assault. fox 13 in tampa with an outbreak of a bacteria that lives in s t saltwater and killed ten people so far in that state. the bacteria generally only affects people with compromised immune systems. and this is a live look at chicago, our affiliate wfld, the big story there tonight, preparations for the chicago marathon, the first since the bombing at the boston marathon last spring. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back.
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have hail damage to both their cars. ted ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about... with ted's now ex-girlfriend. wheeeee! whoo! later ted! online claims appointments. just a click away on
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a follow-up tonight on the kentucky family we told you about recently facing a huge increase in its health care premiums under obama care. a recent piece on the "new yorker" website suggested the family would actually save money by enrolling in the health care exchanges. tonight, the official numbers are in. here's chief national correspondent jim engel. >> reporter: angie, who lives in kentucky with his wife and amy and their two boys is doing the same thing millions of people are doing, trying to figure out how much his insurance will cost under obama care. before the exchange is opened, his insurance company said his rates would soar, but now there are subsidies. and he's been trying to find out for days how much he'd get. >> to logically compare plans, i've been calling them every single day since october 1st, several times a day on some occasions. they've been -- sometimes enduring 45-minute holds, 50-minute holds.
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>> reporter: though ki kentucky kooi officials were unable to give confirms, they did refer him to the kaiser family foundation site which suggests his subsidy would $414 on a premium of $868. >> what i'm concerned about are our doctors visits and emergency room visits and what i'm paying in my premium. >> reporter: the problem is that's a 24% increase over his current payment after subsidies. and his co-pay for emergency room visits almost tripled from 125 to 350, an important factor for a family with two young boys. >> they're climbing trees, running around falling off their bikes, they're not unlike any other 8 and 10-year-old boys. >> reporter: nas si falls, head gashes and the like mean er coverage is important. they found one plan with smaller premiums, but their doctor was out of network, ultimately making it more expensive for them. they're not the only ones with sticker shock. members of congress also say constituents have been complaining as they read some of the letters they're getting.
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>> i remember our president saying the new health care bill will reduce costs, i have my health care renewal forms and the premium has increased about 15%, a $700 deductible is added and my co-payment has increased. >> mike from hickory saw his premiums rise from $388 to $650. phil from forest city saw increase even though the policy was unchanged, saw an increase of 42%. >> reporter: some fox viewers in alabama also wrote to us though they asked their names not be used, this couple around 60 years old said detailed information about their rate increases which will add 82% to their annual health care costs. and their deductibles increase by a third. as far as the rollout is concerned, republican senator pat roberts said today that the problems with the exchanges are systematic, profound and indisputable as he called on hss secretary to resign for what he called gross incompetence. bret. >> jim, thank you.
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while the president's position on health care, the shutdown and the debt ceiling gets largely sympathetic coverage from mass media, daily show host john stewart turned the tables a bit. he played a clip of the president in his news conference, once again painting the house republican position as unreasonable. but it didn't quite come out that well. >> when you're at the plant and you're in the middle of your job, do you ever say to your boss, unless i get a raise right now and more vacation pay, i'm going to just shut down the plant? [ laughter ] >> i'm pretty sure you just described a union strike. >> little pop culture on a friday. in fact, the president is actually losing union support. workers in the northwest, for example, are threatening to stop working over obama care. correspondent dan springer has details from seattle. >> reporter: 30,000 grocerye wo
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state could soon be walking the picket line. a union strike. the big issue, health care for part-time workers. big chains point to obama care as the reason they need to eliminate coverage for anyone working less than 30 hours a week. their chief negotiator says "as with all employers, the affordable care act will impact how we deliver health benefits to our employees." the united food and commercial workers calls it an excuse to cut benefits. >> the reason why the employers are doing this is it's a big money grab. there's tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of dollars that they feel like they might be able to save by kicking everybody off the health plan. >> reporter: the union grocery stores are following nonunion employers, home depot and trader joe's, in sending part-time workers into the health care exchanges. it's the exact scenario that teamsters and ufcw worried about when they wrote democratic leaders saying "the unintended consequences of the aca are severe." a libertarian think tank says
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it's a no-brainer for businesses that are seeing costs go up and paying a penalty on their employees so-called cadillac health plans. >> why pay twice to maintain our own health insurance coverage for part-time employees and pay taxes in order to subsidize the exchanges? >> it's trying to figure out how you pay for this, how you make it work for your employees. >> reporter: union leaders say the obama care health plans are a big step down in quality from the ones they negotiated for their members. management points out organized labor supported president obama and his health care agenda during the election and now wants to be exempt. both sides believe this labor dispute is just the first of many to come. in seattle, dan springer, fox news. still ahead, we'll meet some people who are affected by but still in favor of a government shutdown. first, media analyst on how the obama administration deals with whistle blowers and journalists overall. [ male announcer ] campbell's angus beef & dumplings.
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hearty cheeseburger. creamy thai style chicken with rice. mexican-style chicken tortilla. if you think campbell's 26 new soups sound good, imagine how they taste. m'm! m'm! good!
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a journalism advocacy group is coming down hard on the obama administration for coming down hard on whistleblowers and leakers. fox news media analyst and host of fox's "media buzz" is here tonight. good eching, howard. >> good evening, bret. this scathing study by the committee to protect journalists says an investigation made government officials afraid to talk to the press. the author of the former "the washington post" editor calls the most aggressive he's seen since he was working on watergate during the nixon administration. in this eye-popping quote from the "new york times" veteran correspondent david sanger, this is the most closed, control freak administration i've ever covered. >> so whep you look at the
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investigative reporting that's happening, how do you think this is affecting that? >> turns out these investigations are the most egregious case in this report was that against fox's james rosen who was cast as a potential criminal for doing his job had a real ripple effect. reporters saying they can't e-mail their sources for fear of leaving a digital trail and some sources have simply stopped talking. >> is it a chilling effect outside of national security stories? >> this is the most surprising finding in my view because you have a lot of journalists saying they don't work on national security matters and that even on basic routine inquiries having trouble getting basic questions answered by this administration, especially the administration not happy with this story, the atlantic's josh meyer quoted as saying across the board hostility to the media. >> has the white house weighed in yet? >> press secretary jay carney says the idea people are shutting up and not leaking to reporters is belied by the facts. another says they want to be transparent on the sensitive matters, but if you're too
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transparent, you're accused of jeopardizing national security. bottom line, a very tense relationship that's developed. >> people interested should really read the whole report. it's pretty detailed. >> very well researched. >> big show this weekend. >> megyn kelly's one of my guests. >> thank you, howard. the president's top diplomat is in afghanistan tonight, secretary of state john kerry is on a previously unannounced trip to try to complete a security deal allowing u.s. troops to stay in the country after the end of next year. discussions had stalled over after afghan demand for american guarantees against future foreign intervention. the deadline actuly followed this october 31st. otherwise the u.s. has threatened all u.s. troops will be brought home immediately at the end of next year. we'll continue to follow this story monday. the air force has fired the man in charge of its nuclear missiles. military officials tell fox news major general michael carry was relieved in response to an investigation into alleged personal misbehavior that included alcohol.
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wednesday, the navy vice admiral who was number two at the u.s. strategic command was fired for alleged gambling issues. from norway tonight, the group in charge of finding syria's chemical weapons has won the nobel peace prize. the award to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons is drawing polarized reaction. syrian rebels call it premature, the syrian government says it's a vindication. pre-award speculation focused on 16-year-old pakistani malala yousufzai who was shot in the head by the taliban for advocating girls' education. how not to rig an election, coming up. and from the bears to the senate, did i really just say that? it could have changed history. and now one side of that equation is weighing in. we'll tell you how next. i'm tony siragusa and i'm training guys who leak a little, to guard their manhood with new depend shields and guards. the discreet protection that's just for guys.
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now some fresh pickings from the political grapevine. $130 million of your tax dollars were committed before the shutdown to a new embassy pound in the western african nation of mauritania. the existing embassy is aging and overcrowded. by in measure mike ditka has had an amazing career as a football player, a coach and an analyst. his biggest mistake, he says not going for the republican nomination against senator,
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state legislator, barack obama, to represent illinois in the u.s. senate. ditka tells the dickinson press he probably would have won. and barack obama wouldn't be in the white house. when ditka's 1985 chicago bears had a reunion at the white house in 2011, the president joked he was glad ditka did not run because he, the president, would have been terrible on espn. and a special message to any would-be dictators looking to rig elections, wait until after the vote to release the results. "the washington post" notes wednesday's elections were not expected to be free or fair as the president had reportedly stepped up intimidation of critics and restricted free speech. vote counts showing he won in a landslide were sent out on an official smartphone app before the voting even began. the results were quickly recalled. officials claim the results from 2008 were sent out by mistake except the candidates shown in
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the app were those from this week. blogger max fisher puts it in perspective "there's supposed to be a certain ritual to an election like azerbaijan's. demonstrations are put down, reporters are harassed, opposition candidates are whittled down, supporters are ushered to the polls and then the sweeping victory announced. they got the order wrong here. turns out he's believed to have won by even more than the app indicated. you are more fed up with the government now than ever before, that's the finding of a new gallup poll, 81% say they are dissatisfied with the way the nation is being governed. just 18% are satisfied, an all-time low for that survey. one of the stories that tends to get lost in all the coverage of the budget battle and the shutdown is that there are people who are in favor of closing up shop for a while. even if it hurts. senior national correspondent john roberts talked to some of them. >> reporter: larry watkins has a
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lot of time to walk the dog these days, the defense software contractor, he's been on furlough for almost two weeks. still, he's standing shoulder-to-shoulder with republicans holding the line on obama care and spending. >> i applaud senator cruz, senator rubio and those who are standing up and showing some leadership. and that's more important than my paycheck to me right now. >> reporter: same story for jeff eperson. he owns a civil war relic store in north georgia. with the closed, business is down, but he's willing to exchange personal hardship for a bigger principle. >> our shop's affected, we don't have maybe as many people in there, but on the other hand what does it take for us to get responsibility back in the government? >> reporter: not everyone agrees. john loud built a security company from the ground up, some of his clients are on hold because they can't get small business loans. keeping the government closed, he says, should not be an option. >> i think we can all stand on
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principle for a little bit, but when you look at the true long-term effects of something like this continuing on, i think the damage is tremendous. >> reporter: but ask brad, he'll tell you things are just fine at his georgia engineering firm. and he dismisses talk that republicans will feel the wrath of voters over the shutdown. >> the more that this goes on, people are seeing that there's two sides to the story, this isn't about the republicans not playing nice in the sand box. this is really about one man trying to dictate to the american people it's his way or the highway. >> reporter: as for how long they'd allow the shutdown to continue, none of the supporters could tell me for sure. watkins, the furloughed defense contractor said if it's still closed in january, well, we'd have to talk again. but for the moment at least he remains steadfast. bret. >> john, thank you. we invite all of you to be a part of the discussion again tonight as we bring in our all-star panel in just a few moments. if you have not participated yet in our sr bing polls, take a moment, go to our home page,, you can watch the simple instructions, provide
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monitor realtime feedback to what the panelists are saying and access on your smartphone or tablet at so are we making progress, stuck in neutral or going backwards on the shutdown, the debt ceiling? we'll talk about it all with the fox all-stars, of course your input, when we come back. new fast acting advil. with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box.
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. . let's pay our nation's bills and then let's negotiate a sensible budget solution to secure our country's long-term fiscal means. >> we better wake up. and we better try to come to an agreement salvaging something out of this, but get the government going again. >> it is the very least that congress could do to pass a legislation that would raise the debt ceiling for a short term and pass legislation that would
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fund the government for a short term. >> repeatedly the house of representatives has acted to compromise to fund vital priorities and repeatedly president obama and the democrats have refused to negotiate. >> well, some of the sound from this day and the government shutdown as we head toward the debt ceiling date of october 17th. this as new polls came out. we told you earlier about the a.p., associated press poll reported in context here the president's approval rating back in april and now. that came out earlier this week. and a new poll, "the wall street journal"/nbc poll who is more to blame for the shutdown, president obama 31 pngt, republicans in congress 53%. there you see the rest. a lot of people have asked what's the break down of this poll in parties self-identified breakdown and this is how that breaks down. democrat 43%, republican 32%, independent 23% and you see the rest. what about this day and where we're headed? let's bring in our panel, syndicated columnest george
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will, and syndicated columnest charles. gentlemen, george, what do you think today? >> well, about the polls, i question how many americans are really thinking about this until the pollster says are you thinking about this and then they dutyfully say they're concerned and alarmed, et cetera. i also question how long this will have an effect after this as a receding memory. all that said, clearly the republicans are not enjoying this. but i'm not sure the president is either. this week we began to get some adult supervision from someone nine years younger than the president, paul ryan, who said outlines of the deal are so obvious. we have something you very much want and that is a sequester you'd like to weaken. and you have something we want, which is the ability to cooperate on reigning in the entitlement state. let's deal. >> the nonsense from the white house about not negotiating, they're in the process of negotiating whether it's pre-negotiating negotiating, but they're negotiating. >> well, lincoln once said if i call a tail a leg, how many legs
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does a dog have? five, no, only four because calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg. similarly, denying you're negotiating when you're negotiating doesn't change the facts. >> about the polls, take a listen, juan, if you would to senator graham. he was asked about the polling today and what it's doing to the republican party. >> how much of this is prompted by some of the polling you've seen over the last couple of days? how much damage has been done? >> i think the reality that the government shutdown is not playing out well is sinking in to everybody. it's not helping the president overall his numbers have gone down, but it's certainly hurting us. and the goal is to reopen the government having accomplished something worthy of all this pain. >> i think the polls are driving a lot of the activity that we're seeing on the hill today. and i think it's particularly evident if you look at the house response right now. and the poll numbers, and we can try to put a rosy picture on it all you want, it's just very difficult picture for republicans right now.
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and, you know, even on obama care in the "the wall street journal" poll, i mean, it's so crazy something that the pollster called an ideological boomerang took support because so many people conflate the government shutdown with obama care. and you get the 21% gap between blaming the president and blaming republicans. i think a lot of this is now impacting and specific the more moderate wing of the party. i think that, you know, you see people who are hard on, i don't know that they're going to budge. but i think what you have is speaker boehner now in a stronger position to say we've got to take care of the republican party, take care of the republican brand. one poll that just came out indicated that people who self-identify as republicans are at the lowest point in the history of the gallup poll. >> speaking of polls, i want to point out this is the intensity score of people voting in the panel how many votes are coming
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in at the same time. you can also go to the website,, and see all of the breakdowns and independents and democrats and republicans, male and female, just want to insert that there while it was on the screen. charles, what about where things stand with republicans now and what's happening next? >> republicans have two cards, which is the shutdown of the government and the debt ceiling. what's clear is that the first card is worth nothing. in fact, it's really hurt the republicans. you can see it in the polls. when the country is blaming the republicans by more than 22 points over the president, you've got a problem. and the other shocking number was that when they asked people how favorably they look at the parties, the democrats have about an even favorable and unfavorable. the republicans are under water by 30 points. that is a catastrophe. now -- and that is directly as a result of the shutdown. it wasn't only predictable, it was predicted.
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it was obvious it was going to happen and it did. the trump card that republicans have and what's moving the president is not so much the sequester i would argue, but it's the debt ceiling. it's the one thing he cannot allow to happen because he's in charge of the economy. and it would wreck it. and that's the leverage that the house has. and that's why the president is negotiating even though he pretends not to. he has to even though it's going to be there on thursday, republicans should stick to a very short extension, push him on entitlements and tax reform. they might even get a token gesture on obama care. but that's where the money is. and that's where the leverage is. >> but that's not what's happening. senate republicans are pushing for a long-term extension as of today. and there is it seems like this break in the republican party about how to deal with this. george, your sense of where things stand and is it going to be resolved soon?
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>> long-term in washington today seems to mean before thanksgiving. so i'm not sure how long the long-term is. >> but i mean senate republicans want to have a year. they want to have a year debt ceiling increase. and they would like to have six months in the cr at least. >> again, they want that because they have something important. we're losing sight of the fact that the president two years ago made a huge historic blunder when he said propose the sequester and the republicans faced with the choice between cutting defense half the sequester and raising taxes, the republicans will accept defense and accept tax increases. he misread the republican party then. he's still doing it. and he's going to have to give something to liberate the democrats from this onerous burden of the sequester. >> the question is to hear the senate republicans talk today, juan, about their meeting, it doesn't seem like the grand bargain, as we call it in d.c., is something the president really wants to pursue. >> well, i think it's
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something -- actually, i think it's something republicans want. i just don't think they think they can do it in this short of time period. they have pursued it. it's the unicorn you heard senator graham refer to. it's mythical. but the fact is i think they won, they just don't think they can do it in this time period. >> they're going to get a bargain, but it won't be a grand one. it will be a minibargain. but anything on entitlements, let's say raising the retirement age or changing the cost of living adjustment, that's a major achievement. and that's what the house is going to try to get. ryan has proposed it in return for the debt ceiling, again, it will be a short extension so you can negotiate this. it's the senate, the republicans in the senate, who will be giving away the shutdown because they are losing on the shutdown. they're essentially going to give it up and give it away because it's been working against them. >> if they can get it through the house. big if. next up, the friday lightning round. [ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance
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the question is which poll number that came out this week was the most shocking. and i have to say, i hate to admit this but juan stumbled upon this truth. >> even a blind squirrel, a phrase we've never used, but, no, juan actually mentioned it in what you found in a "the wall street journal" poll which showed obama care, the support for obama care had increased by
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eight points since last month. and this coincides with the worst rollout since new coke or new miley cyrus, which would otherwise have been the news -- the only news you would have heard including late into the night with the comics. it's result of very unfortunate tactic republicans had chosen in the shutdown. >> write that down. i try to stay current. that's pretty good. juan, obviously you said. >> but she jumped the shark. you might want -- >> i think that when you look at the numbers and you see 5% approval for the congress, we've never seen a number like that. i mean, makes you think, well, who are the 5% who approve of congress? what are they thinking? >> friends and family. george. >> there was a poll in new jersey where they will vote on a senator to replace the late
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frank lautenberg. cory booker, mayor of newark, darling of the media, darling of the celebrities of hollywood, well-funded rising star barely at 50% in a state with 700,000 more democrats than republicans. shouldn't be that way. >> obama care was a big topic this week as these health care exchanges continue to have some problems, and republican senator, pat roberts, of kansas, is calling for action. >> the problems with exchanges are critical, and they're profound, and is disputable. yes, the secretary is not shooting straight with the american people. the system is crashing. she continues her promotional tour and advertising at taxpayer expense. this is ridiculous. everything we warned about has come to pass. today i'm calling on cathleen to resign her post as secretary of health and human services.
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the secretary has had three and a half years to launch obama care, and she has failed. >> george, what do you think of that? >> well, she won't. at least because she's now been told to. look, this is government in action. whoever expected government to take over 18% of the economy and do it smoothly, whoever expects that has never tried to get their driver's license renewed. >> juan. >> that's true. i have tried, and it's quite a hassle. the larger point that's interesting to me is cathleen was governor of kansas, and pat roberts is from kansas. i got to believe they know each other. obviously, this is a political play. republicans don't like obama care, and he is playing to that base. do i think that she'll resign? obviously not, but i think that the idea that there is some difficulty, some glitches with the president, what's the surprise here? >> value voters summoned today and through the weekend, getting a lot of applause for two big senators who have been behind a lot of the push early on.
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senator lee and senator cruise. take a listen. >> the president is using the vast, immense power of the federal government to hurt the american people. why? in order to win a political argument. what happens then when we turnover some of those private intimate decision in our lives, our health care system to the government? when will that be used as a tool against us? we must stop it. we must defund it.annot accept . >> we've seen an explosion of federal government power. none more important or significant or dangerous than obama care. >> for all of the washington thought process about these two guys and their strategy, their tactics, for these conservatives they are hitting home runs. >> that is true, but they are claiming to speak -- you'll hear it in all their speeches, on behalf of the american people, and the only way that we can measure that many some way scientifically is either with
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elections or with polls. well, the polls are in, and the numbers who support the tactic that these gentlemen have chosen is rather low, so i do think that contradicts the idea that somehow we are insulated and have no idea what's going on out there. the real test of objective information, critical data, it came in today. the results are in. >> a.p., ewe got everything that shows you that even though the two sides have been hurt, one side has been hurt a lot more, and in a country where every seed is allocated in the congress to one party or the other, even if you are hurt, if the other guy is hurt more, you win. >> that's it for the panel. stupid for our quick math lesson. plus, our big highlights from both. that's next. for seeing your business in a whole new way. for seeing what cash is coming in and going out... so you can understand every angle of your cash flow-
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first, here are the highlights. republicans and independents disagree with george when he said paul ryan is providing
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adult supervision over the president. the highest intensity was when george said the president misread the republican party by allow them to protect defense spending and by allowing them to move into sequester. in the lightning round democrats agreed with charles that it's a bad obama care roll-out, and that, the new miley cyrus is just not that good. congratulations. you crossed over to pulp culture now. >> i broke through. >> total votes tonight, 188,000. thank you. finally tonight, there's been a lot of back and forth this week with numbers. you have the budget. you have obama care adding up how many people are in, how many people are out. sometimes, well, when are you in tv, it's just on the fly tough to add up. >> they've had over eight million hits, people that have tried to sign up and so far they have people in the single digits.
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>> i'm not exactly sure what you mean by that. >> single digits would be less than ten. >> yes, it would. thanks very much. that is it for this special report. fair, balanced, and unafraid. greta goes on the record right now. have our politicians lost their minds? is washington nuts? the government already delaying death benefits for the families of dozens of fallen soldiers until you screamed holy hell about it, and then it got fixed, but now it's about to get worse. >> this administration has made life so difficult for our veterans. >> shouldn't we be embarrassed about this? shouldn't we be ashamed? >> in 1940 and got out 1945. >> 1942 to 1945. >> i was in okinawa. >> this hearing will come to order. >> if the shutdown does not end in the come weeks, the v.a. will not be able to assure